"Miracle" in Top 30 music

Once again, it is the anniversary of the U.S. Olympic hockey team's victory over the Russian team that led to Al Michaels' question heard around the world: "Do you believe in miracles?" Last year, I commemorated the event by presenting a music video essay featuring songs from Billboard's year-end Top Ten charts (1951-2015) that included variant forms of the word miracle. This year, I expand the essay to songs from Billboard's year-end Top Thirty (1951-2016) that include the same target forms, but present only those songs that didn't make it into the blog last year. Without further fanfare, in chronological order:

And a tune by Michael Jackson that I've been thoroughly enjoying (finally) the last few weeks:

Also, a tune that was in the year-end Top Ten, but for 2016, and thus was not part of the collection last year:

Finally, as a bonus, a couple of tunes that do not include the word miracle, but do appear in the year-end Top Thirty charts and performed BY "The MIracles" (the first with and the second with the legendary Smoky Robinson):
