Songs celebrating tea in Top 30 music

To commemorate the Boston Tea Party, which occurred on this date in 1773, and to complement my earlier post on coffee references in pop music (and perhaps because I've been drinking tea lately as I battle a sore throat), I put together this music video essay on tea references in pop music. Undoubtedly owing to the greater popularity of coffee over tea in American culture, the six videos celebrating coffee in the earlier post came from the 650 songs making up the Billboard year-end Top Ten charts (1951-2015), while the five videos presented here were the total references to tea that could be found in a collection of the 1,950 songs making up the Billboard year-end Top Thirty charts (1951-2015).

And now, without further ado, let's celebrate tea.

And to close, a song that came nowhere near Billboard's year-end Top 30: "Tea for One" by the great Led Zeppelin.
