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"Friday" and "Saturday" in American Pop Music (1951-2015)

Writers Ernest Hemingway and Martha Gelhorn out on the town

In previous music video essays, I looked at the distribution of days of the week in songs from the Billboard year-end Top Ten (1951-2015), as well as songs that mention the top-ranking variant, Sunday. In this post, I present videos of songs that include either the second- or third-ranked days of the week in the corpus, Saturday and Friday, respectively.

The final video serves as a partial bonus, as the second song of the medley, "Hot Stuff" (#7, 1979), does not mention any days of the week. But it was too good of a clip to pass up on, so it gets to ride in on the coattails of the appearance of Friday in "Bad Girls." It also takes the place of Chris Brown's "With You" and "Rude" by Magic! Enjoy!